# Example config file for iofs # not all options are functional or tested # Config path can be set with the IOFS_CONFIG_PATH environemnt variable # The default can be speciefied at compile time with -DCONFIG_PATH= #influxdb-address = http://localhost:8086 #influxdb-database = mydb #influxdb-username = testuser #influxdb-password = testpassword #influxdb-tags = cluster=test,othertag=othervalue #elasticsearch-address = http://localhost #elasticsearch-port = 8086 #elasticsearch-uri = mydb #logfile = /tmp/iofs.log #outfile = /tmp/iofs.out #contains the data sent to influx #interval = 1 #in seconds #classificationfile = /home/path/to/model.csv # Performance model, see documentation #verbosity = 1 #err.. don't think that works atm